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Learning Minor Surgery

Friday, March 5, 2021

Since NDs can do minor surgery in many states, including the area I plan on returning to, the minor surgery class is very important. We recently learned how to do a punch biopsy on a chicken drumstick, then we practiced our sutures afterwards.

Surgery 1

Prior to taking this course, I always thought it was important to have sutures (stitches) very close together to prevent reopening of the injury. However, the opposite is actually the case (in most cases that is). If the stitches are too close together, it will increase the likelihood of infection. There are also different techniques that can be done to make it tighter, but tighter is not always better. It is super interesting, and I am enjoying it immensely! Growing up with four brothers, this would have been a very useful skill to have in my household!

I know I have talked about the importance of proper school/life/work balance while in this program several times. This can be difficult at times, but I can assure you, I practice what I preach, and it is one of the biggest reasons I have had success in this program! I graduate in a little under six months, and I am trying to make sure my portfolio is done, my hours are done, my patient numbers are where they need to be, etc. It can be very stressful at times!

Surgery 2

The best way I have found to manage that stress is by doing a couple high intensity workouts each week. Lately, those have been done at Orange Theory Fitness, and I am loving it! There are two locations within a few minutes from campus. Recently, I celebrated my 25th class. I thought I was pretty special, until they wanted me to take a photo, and I was posing with other folks that were celebrating their 100th and 400th class. I guess we all start somewhere!
