I just finished my first week of Phase 2 of the Naturopathic Medicine program, which consists of clinical sciences courses. I am very excited to apply what I learned during Phase 1, which consisted of basic sciences courses, in new creative ways!
Since this transition was a milestone for me, I made my break extra special.
First, I took time to reflect on my hard work and successes. The basic science courses were definitely challenging. I put a lot of time into learning the material. I was very consistent with my schedule, which included specific time slots for attending courses, tutoring sessions, studying, movement, meal preparation, personal time, outside time, and family time.
At the beginning of the program, my dad told me that the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. I told myself this gem quite a few times during the last five trimesters. Being consistent and focused on learning steadily made “eating the elephant” possible. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have deeply dived into the material, and letting it soak in.
I spent my break doing what always renews my spirit and re-connects me to what I value the most—I went camping!
I camped at my family’s campground so I could enjoy nature and see my family. Some highlights included amazing campfires, fresh air, sunshine, seeing deer in the nearby meadow, experiencing awe as I gazed at the Milky Way galaxy on the darkest sky I’ve seen in months, connecting with family and friends, sharing food, experiencing nature-based belonging and community with other campers, dancing wildly at the campground’s DJ dance, and playing board games.
I used this time to relax, get out of my head and back into my body, get out of my routine, and, most importantly, reconnect with myself, other people and nature. Spending my break camping was the perfect way to rest and heal, be reminded of nature’s laws, and re-connect with the values that I hold most dear to my heart.
As I start this next phase of my naturopathic medicine journey, I am grateful to have spent my break camping. Nature is the foundation of naturopathic philosophy, and it is important to remember that. Therefore, I think it’s great to immerse myself in nature whenever I can.
As I begin Phase 2 of the naturopathic medicine program, I’m excited to share my journey with you!