The world is a very strange place right now. I wish I could tell all of you lovely readers how stellar things are going, but they are not. You know what? That is perfectly ok. Feeling abnormal is a normal response to a situation as abnormal as the one that we are in now. School has always given me something to focus on outside of myself. Now that the only option is to slow down and focus inward on the life I have before me, I am experiencing some growing pains.
Not knowing what the future holds when you have carefully planned every aspect of your life for the last few years is frightening. So what’s the plan now, you might ask? It’s time to stop focusing on what is out of my control and exact change upon the things that I can. Ignoring the news for a little bit and limiting social media is important; it’s too easy to fall down the rabbit hole, the information becomes all-consuming. Next on the agenda is to get the children and me back on some sort of schedule. It is really easy to stay up too late these days. Right now, setting up a structure is paramount, and is sure to make a difference in the mental health of my family. Between the kiddos homeschooling and completing all of the writing that I have been doing for clinic, there is plenty for us do.
On the brightside, getting outside every day is getting a lot easier. The sun felt so nice today. There has been a whole lot of moving and creating going on. There has been cleaning and decluttering of both the tangible and intangible. Also, I speak to my mother every day on the phone now; we chat about everything and nothing, showing that closeness can be created even in physical distancing. This is not meant to be easy, change never is, but I am looking forward to seeing the world that is on the other side of this.