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Continuing the Journey

by Dec 14, 2018

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”  ̶  Confucius. 


As the trimester comes rolling to an end, and with eight final exams about to begin, it’s a time to reflect. I am appreciative to continue on this journey. It won’t end here after this grueling third trimester; there will be six more trimesters for me in the MSOM program. But, it will continue to help me build my knowledge, and grow into the best professional my academic journey will allow me to be.

In spring 2019, I will start as an associate intern! As we have our own patient loads, this will be one of the many milestones that NUHS has set for students to achieve: being able to serve in the clinic on campus. Many new faces will join me in the new trimester. After a rest between trimesters, my fellow students and I will no longer “zombie walk” on campus when spring 2019 arrives.

It has allowed me to understand how much I have grown. Time management has not been a smooth ride, but a process. I have made many wonderful friends whom I can call family. I have appreciated learning to live in the “now” and not look too far into the future. There is only so much that I can control in my life. I need to continue to put in my work, and trust in God’s blueprint of what He wants me to fulfill in my part of His universal plan.

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About the Author

Rina Sem

Rina Sem

Rina Sem is a student at the Lombard, Illinois campus studying in the Master of Science-Oriental Medicine program. Though working in the medical field for 10 years, she is keeping the promise she made to her father to complete her master’s degree. Rina is a first-generation American of Cambodian heritage, and passionate about her studies in the field of complementary and alternative medicine.


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