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A Lot Going on in Week 10

by Mar 16, 2017

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A lot happened this week both in and out of school. I was introduced to a few more modalities this week in Physiological Therapeutics. I also practiced an old technique from undergraduate. The new modality that was introduced is called Interferential Current also known as IFC. It is a form of electrical stimulation and it is used to control pain and illicit muscle contractions. If a patient has muscular atrophy, there are other electrical stimulation techniques that are more beneficial but IFC could be used as well.

In ambulatory trauma, Dr. Guadagno (ACA Sports Chiropractor of the Year), reviewed ankle bracing with athletic tape. As a former kinesiology major, ankle taping is nothing new but it was good to refresh. We practiced brace taping, which could be used prophylactically to prevent ankle sprains or it could be used to immobilize an injury.


I am wrapping up my second wave of exams for the trimester but I am also staying heavily involved in the community. This week was the Kiwanis Club’s Annual Firetruck Pull, as well as the Gulfport Neighbors Beach Cleanup. This was the second firetruck pull I participated in since coming to NUHS. Last year our team won first place and we were looking to defend our title. We pulled the firetruck in 23 seconds flat, beating the second place team by 0.6 seconds. It was a lot of fun and for a great cause.


I also participated in the monthly Gulfport Beach Cleanup. As the president of the Chiro Games Club, I am responsible for scheduling a community outreach project. Every trimester we do the beach cleanup because I am passionate about the environment and local wildlife. We cleaned up over 50 lbs. of trash. Littering can kill animals and also can be detrimental to the local ecosystem. I am happy be involved with the Gulfport neighbors because they work with “Keep America Beautiful.” It was a great way to give back but also walk around the beautiful beaches of the area. After we finished, we ate lunch at a local seafood restaurant with a beautiful view then played some beach volleyball. 


It was a great way to end the weekend, especially before we head up to the cold weather of Washington, D.C. I will be going to D.C. next week for the National Chiropractic Leadership Conference (NCLC). If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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