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Sheriff Squad at Clinic!

Friday, November 27, 2020

I know I have mentioned how much I love clinic in just about every blog post since entering my clinical internship. Unfortunately for you, this post will reiterate that point again. I love clinic! I especially love being on Dr. Bose’s shift!

Last week, Dr. Bose realized she had a couple Sheriff’s Badges in her desk. She gave me one (because I happened to be in her office when she found it). Then I went around telling everyone she gave it to me because I am her favorite! Jeffrey, also from Maryland wanted one (Jeffrey, Dr. Bose, and I are all from Maryland, and therefore have a special connection that none of the other interns can compete with) wanted one, so Dr. Bose gave him her last one. Jeffrey and I self-designated ourselves as Dr. Bose’s favorites since clearly, we were the only ones with the Sheriff Badges.

Lindys 3

Left to Right: Jeffrey Mensah, Dr. Amanda Bose, Belinda Smith

To keep things fair, and because sometimes every kid gets a trophy, Dr. Bose ordered more badges and gave them to all of her interns. Just kidding, I think her plan all along was to give her shift of interns something special, because we are the best! By the best, I mean we have the most fun, have the best numbers, and work the hardest (although I’m sure the other shifts would argue all of these claims are very debatable).

Anyway, I introduce the Sheriff Squad at Clinic! We have to wear our badges on the inside of our white coat since it technically goes against dress code to have it on the outside. I love these people! They help me with tough cases, and let me help them on their tough cases. We work as a team, and we all get along amazingly well. I am so blessed to get to intern with these fellow students, and super blessed to get to learn from Dr. Bose on a daily basis.

Lindys Group

Photo courtesy of Dr. Coe. From left to right, front row: Jeffrey M.; Dr. Bose; Mari S.; Second row: Belinda S. (me); Damien M.; Konrad C.; Crystal S.; Dalilah A.; Kirsten H.; David S.; Moriah S. Missing from the photo: Kelsey H., Huma R. and David V.

As ND interns, we all get really lucky. Literally every single clinician is amazing to learn from, and even though I am on the Dr. Bose shift, the other clinicians are always willing to help teach and/or assist when needed. Thank you to Drs. Bose, Coe, Pearce, Green, Keating, Botterman, and Bogaard for making this clinic experience so wonderful!
