Awareness and acceptance of acupuncture and oriental medicine is growing here in the United States. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has found 43 specific conditions in nine different health categories where acupuncture has been shown effective. Research is still coming in, so it is likely that number will grow.
National University’s masters degree programs in both acupuncture and oriental medicine uniquely prepare students to take advantage of expanding opportunities in mainstream health care. That’s because we provide a campus and clinic devoted to integrative medicine at NUHS. Our students learn to work together with professionals from other medical specialties so that they can smoothly transition into hospital and integrative care settings.
Additionally, National University’s MSAc and MSOM programs provide a foundation in western health science and diagnostics in addition to eastern traditional medicine. This means our grads can better co-manage cases with other health professionals, and provide more thorough patient care.
Explore how you can begin a career in the expanding field of acupuncture and oriental medicine by scheduling a visit to NUHS. In fact, now through August is a great time to visit, thanks to our summer visit program offering you double tuition credit for visiting campus.