The chiropractic profession leads the nation’s workforce in holding the lowest rate of unemployment and highest rate of job security, making it an excellent choice for students interested in a health care career.
In a recent analysis of Bureau of Labor statistics published on MarketWatch, chiropractic physicians (chiropractors) rated #1 in job security among all occupations evaluated. With an unemployment rate of only .01% — meaning only one in every 1,000 — the chiropractic profession held the lead over the other top ten professions, which included dentists, physician’s assistants, physicians and surgeons. The study found that health professions in general were among the most secure.
Additionally, the statistics showed that the field of chiropractic medicine should expect a 15% growth in employment opportunities by 2022. The article also cited a growing trend toward specialization and advanced training within the chiropractic profession. This refers to the many post-graduate diplomates and certifications available to doctors of chiropractic in fields such as sports medicine, neurology, radiology, internal medicine, acupuncture and more.
The average salary for chiropractic physicians in 2014 was $99,555, according to the most recent survey by Chiropractic Economics. Surveys show that while the majority of DCs work in a solo practice, a significant number work in group practice, as an associate, or as a franchise owner. Additionally, opportunities are growing in hospitals, veteran care facilities and in multi-disciplinary and integrative medical clinics.
“Chiropractic medicine is both a personally and professionally rewarding career,” says NUHS President Joseph Stiefel. “The statistics come as no surprise, since consumer demand for the type of whole health and patient-centered care that DCs provide is growing.”
“At National University, we not only prepare our students to succeed in chiropractic medicine as primary care doctors, we give them a strong foundation in evidence-based and integrative care. That means we give our graduates the tools to work alongside MDs, DOs, and other health care providers to improve patient outcomes.”
The new statistics further confirm that students choosing a career in chiropractic medicine are making a sound investment in their future by entering a field with job security and high job growth. For more examples of how chiropractic physicians are forging successful and rewarding careers, you can explore stories and videos of National University DC graduates.