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A Pumpkinless Fall

by Sep 29, 2016

Home » Naturopathic Medicine Student Blog » A Pumpkinless Fall

I recently had my blood drawn to check for food sensitivities. Several labs do food sensitivity testing, and many of them check for immunoglobulin G (IgG). I chose a more comprehensive lymphocyte response assay that tests for type II delayed response (including IgG, IgA, IgM), type III immune complexes, and type IV immune cell mediated hypersensitivities.

When you eat food that you’re sensitive to, it puts a burden on the immune system regardless of whether the food is healthy or not!  In my opinion, everyone could benefit from having food sensitivity testing done, especially those with autoimmune conditions, allergies, asthma, digestive issues, and skin conditions.  The importance of food sensitivity testing was also discussed a lot at the brain health seminar I attended and wrote about last week. 


Clarification: Everyone who is ready and willing to modify their lifestyle and eating habits could benefit from food sensitivity testing because getting a test done doesn’t change anything unless you commit to the recommended plan. 

What may happen if you do commit to change? The body will heal and repair. From my husband’s experience when he eliminated the foods he was found to be sensitive to last spring, his seasonal allergies nearly disappeared which increased his quality of life. Someone with eczema or acne may have less irritated and clearer skin. A person suffering from an auto-immune disease like rheumatoid arthritis may have fewer flare-ups. Digestive issues may improve in people with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

My results came back, and I’m highly reactive to chocolate/cocoa which I must eliminate for six months, and moderately sensitive to pumpkin, dairy, pistachios, and a few other foods which I must eliminate for three months. I’ll have to avoid pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving and chocolate at Christmas, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make so that my overall health and wellbeing improve. After the elimination period, re-testing is suggested before slowly reintroducing the foods in moderation. Testing and re-testing are pricey, so if I choose to not re-test, I’ll pay extra attention to my body when reintroducing the foods and limit the quantity and frequency of consumption.

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About the Author

Mary Simon

Mary Simon

I'm a naturopathic medical student at NUHS. I started the Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Program in January 2014. I was born and raised in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, a beautiful town on Lake Michigan. My experiences interpreting (Spanish to English) in nearly all medical specialties solidified my decision to study naturopathic medicine, as I saw a deep need for treating the body as a whole, getting to the root causes of symptoms, and using minimally invasive low-cost therapies to restore health.


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