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What a Weekend!
I went to St. Louis this weekend with a classmate, Karolina, for a couple of seminars. When we had originally signed up for these seminars, we didn’t think we would have any exams the following week, since most exams are around week 5, 10, and 15. With this falling between weeks seven and eight, we thought we would be clear. We were wrong. Karolina had three exams week eight, and I had five! So, during the five-hour car ride, we made sure to get in as much studying as we could, fully knowing we wouldn’t get in much over the weened due to the seminars.
We drove down Friday after our classes, and as luck would have it, we did not hit a single minute of traffic (despite hitting lots of construction). What a blessing! Karolina dropped my off at the hotel, and she stayed with a friend in the area. It was so nice having a hotel room to myself to study for my 5 exams.
Saturday was the seminar on “The Gluten, Leaky Gut, and Autoimmune Connection”. Then on Sunday, the seminar was on “The Development and Aging of the Brain”. Both are Apex seminars formulated by Dr. Datis Kharrazian. I am in love with Dr. Kharrazian’s research! I am currently enrolled in his Functional Neurology Seminars program, which is coordinated through National University. There is a small group of us taking those courses, and the hours will count toward our Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board (DACNB) or International Board of Functional Neurology (IBFN) Fellowship. As an ND who is moving to a licensed state when I graduate, I have the option of doing either of these, but will most likely work towards the IBFN fellowship.
Weekends like this remind me that I am exactly where I need to be. I feel like this is my life’s calling, even if it took me more than 30 years to realize it. I can’t wait to graduate and help people that are dealing with brain fog, diminished memory, leaky gut, sleep issues, post-trauma/concussion injuries, etc. What an awesome life it is now, and will be when I get to help people on a daily basis.