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The Calm Before the Storm

Friday, August 3, 2018

Here we are, week 13, the last week without an exam before diving headfirst into final exams. I have been slowly preparing my study guides and notes for the hours of work I will be putting in this week, as well as prepping for the final sports council meeting of the trimester. To top it off, I’ve applied for a few scholarships and have been working on a research poster I am planning to present at a conference in October. It’s been a busy few weeks, but I’ve gotten so much done! That being said, I am eager to be done with finals and have a nice break before moving on to Tri 4 of my DC program!

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To close out this week a good friend of mine from New Mexico came out to visit! She is currently getting her Master’s at Penn State, but was able to sneak away from her research, and the week-long rainstorms they’re having, to hang out here in Florida for a bit.

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We got lucky and had beautiful weather all weekend long. We spent some time at the beach (of course), explored downtown St. Pete near the Dali Museum, and went to Sawgrass Lake Park and saw three Florida gators and tons of other wildlife.

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Best part of the weekend: having a gigantic, spicy habanero burger downtown while enjoying a couple local brews. She heads home tomorrow, but we got a chance to enjoy a St. Petersburg sunset from the lake at the back of my apartment complex, a close second to a nice beach sunset. I had a great time catching up with my friend and relaxing for one last weekend before finishing up this trimester.

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If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].