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Sports Chiropractic at NUHS – Florida

by Feb 15, 2019

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Here we are completing week 6, and the business hasn’t slowed down for more than two seconds! We had a few exams last week, another six this week, and to top it off I’ve been feeling a little sick the last two weeks so I have not been up to much other than school. That being said, I figured I’d talk about something a little different this week.

Not many people, especially prospective students, realize how great the NUHS–Florida site is for students interested in Sports Chiropractic. So here’s a little information about just one of the post-graduate specialties you can dabble in during your time here.

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(Right to Left): Fifth Trimester Students Allison Ailor and Brandon Jacob take the opportunity to practice technique.

Here at the Florida campus we have a very active Sports Council Club. Through this club we bring various topics and discussions to our members and provide opportunities for shadowing at various events around Tampa Bay. We have held meetings on everything from taping to IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization) and orthopedic evaluations. We often have one of our professors lead these discussions, but sometimes we use our meetings as an opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge of a topic or for us all to learn something together. We then take these new skills and are able to practice them in our open lab hours or at sporting events where we volunteer under a practicing DC for the benefit of athletes of a variety of levels. Some of the bigger events we’ve worked in the past were the International World Rowing Championships, Run Disney (Princess and Star Wars), and the ITU Triathlon World Cup, but we work many other smaller, local events throughout the year as well.

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Third Trimester student Dave Stronko in action.

As far as faculty mentors for students interested in Sports Chiropractic, we have four in particular that are a huge asset to our school and club. First off, Dr. Young owns a sports practice nearby and is a huge contributor to research projects in the field. Next, Dr. Cooper has worked in a sports practice for many years and saw many of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers NFL teams during practice. He also brings a strong neurology background and many soft tissue skills to the table so he speaks at a lot of our meetings.

Our newest faculty member, Dr. Chromey, works with the PGA as well as the Yankees taking care of a wide range of professional athletes but has also worked with various performing arts venues and adjusted celebrities on tour including *NSYNC (yes, he actually adjusted JT!), Iron Maiden, and many others. And finally, our Sports Council advisor, Dr. Guadagno has worked many high level international events. He was named Sports Chiropractor of the Year by the American Chiropractic Association Sports Council in 2016 and has worked in the Rio Olympics and the Pan American Games.

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William Chromey, DC, CCSP – Instructor, Clinical Sciences, presents to the club. 

As you can see, if you’re interested in Sports Chiropractic, NUHS – Florida can set you up with a fantastic base of knowledge and connections that may help you along the way in your professional career!

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].

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About the Author

Addison Ozakyol

Addison Ozakyol

My name is Addison Ozakyol and I am currently in my tenth and final trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic Program here at NUHS - Florida. I am eagerly approaching graduation and look forward to practicing with an emphasis in sports medicine and acupuncture. I hope to bring useful content to this blog and showcase what life is like here at NUHS - Florida.


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