Liron Saletsky, DC, ’21, (right) and a coworker adjust a pediatric patient.
During high school, Liron Saletsky, DC, always enjoyed working with children. Alongside her interest in neuroscience, working in chiropractic pediatrics seemed like a perfect fit.
Since graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Purdue University and her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from National University just last year, Dr. Saletsky is already living her dream focusing on pediatric and perinatal chiropractic at Revolution Chiropractic in Jacksonville, Fla.
“It’s amazing to see how many changes you can make in little ones,” she said. “Compared to adults, their brain’s ability to change and adapt is much higher or neuroplastic.”
At Revolution Chiropractic, she treats the entire family, including pregnant women who often bring their newborns for care after births. However, caring for patients that young is not always a given within the field.
“People often ask why do I see kiddos so early? The kid doesn’t have back pain. But there’s always some sort of stressors in our lives, whether it’s trauma, toxins, or emotions, etc.,” she said.
Research continues to support that babies carry stress over from their time in the womb. This could be emotional stress from outside factors like the pandemic, chemical stress or stress from the physical act of delivery.
“All of this stress gets in the way of the body’s ability to heal,” Dr. Saletsky said.
During her appointments with newborns, one of the techniques she uses is feeling the tone of the nervous system and seeing how the body reacts to stress. She’ll focus on the top of the neck and sacrum to stimulate the parasympathetic system, which helps activate that body’s rest and digest function.
“Activating the parasympathetics helps with a lot of common complaints that continue through childhood,” she said.
These complaints include constipation, acid reflux, sleep problems, ear infections and tongue ties, all of which Dr. Saletsky sees at her office.
Before graduation, Dr. Saletsky built her expertise on these conditions by seeing young patients at the NUHS Whole Health Center. She also shadowed 25 different chiropractic offices, sought out extracurricular reading and attended various chiropractic talks.
“DCs all do something different,” she said. “Shadowing so many DCs really helped build my perspective in what chiropractic really is.”
Now that she’s settled into her career, one of her goals is fueling the way for chiropractic medicine to become a routine part of children’s care.
“Children get their ears checked and their teeth checked, why not their nervous systems too? My vision is for chiropractic pediatrics to become a more routine part of our world,” she said.