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Part 4 Board Exams

Friday, November 13, 2020

As the clock slowly winds down to my graduation from the DC program here at NUHS-Florida, I now find myself staring face-to-face with the last, longest, and possibly the toughest (and most expensive) board exam yet – Part 4.

Addison 1

This coming weekend, a couple of classmates and I will be driving out to Port Orange, Florida to Palmer’s Florida campus to take our 2-day board exam. While the rest of our exams have been moved to an online format and can be taken at testing sites around Tampa Bay, Part 4 is unique in that it is a practical based test and will feature mock patients, case evaluation, adjusting set ups, and radiology. I have been studying very diligently since taking Part 3 and PT about a month ago, and am very eager to be through this one last chiropractic exam.

As you may have guessed, with my boards on the imminent horizon, I have not done much of anything outside of clinic. However, I have been lucky enough to shadow a few local chiropractors in the area and even a few of my professors in their private practices over previous weeks. I have really enjoyed observing so many different chiropractors, and while many come from different backgrounds and employ different techniques and therapies, they all had amazing rapport with patients and nearly every single patient interaction I have observed over the previous weeks ended with patients feeling much better than they arrived, regardless of what technique was performed.

While I may not choose to practice like some of my observed docs, I found incredible value in being able to see what I like or don’t like in an office and use it to guide my current job search and of course to keep things in mind for when I eventually have my own practice.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].