National University of Health Sciences recently announced the winners of several institutional scholarships:
Ryan Bakosh – Roberts Scholarship | Andres Nunez – Foot Levelers Scholarship |
Matthew Budavich – Smith Scholarship | Nyarai Paweni – Wolf-Carr Scholarship |
Kaley Burns – NUHS Scholarship | Michelle Perisic – Gear Scholarship |
Erin Emley – Conrad Scholarship | Megan Procaccini – Alumni Scholarship |
Heather Hastings – Chalmers Scholarship | Ravi Rai – Nuetzel Scholarship |
Jessica Hiipakka – Smith Scholarship
Tyler Lehman – Buchholz Scholarship |
Janelle Mackowiak – Anderson Scholarship and Standard Process Scholarship |
The scholarships ranged from $800 – $2800. These awards for current students are based on criteria specific to each particular scholarship, which often include GPA and essay requirements.
“Institutional scholarships at NUHS are comprised of a variety of memorial, corporate, alumni and university sponsored awards,” says Robert Dame, director of financial aid for NUHS.
Summer trimester scholarship applications will be available online the beginning of June, and information will also be emailed to students. “We encourage all students to apply if they feel they meet eligibility requirements,” says Robert Dame. “You can’t win an award if you don’t apply!”
National University awards several institutional scholarships each trimester. These are in addition to university scholarships for incoming students, which are merit awards based on prior academic achievement.