When I attended the Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing homeopathy course in Montreal in May 2016 and 2017, the instructor showed us a technique that he uses on many patients called bilateral nasal specific, also known as nasal release technique. I wanted to learn how to do it, but couldn’t find anyone at NUHS trained in it, so I got a group of students together who also wanted to learn and found an instructor from Pittsburgh to teach us!
The nasal release technique has many other names, such as bilateral nasal specific, nasal ballooning, cranial facial release, endonasal technique, and neurocranial restructuring. A small balloon attached to a bulb is inserted into the nasal meatuses and quickly inflated and deflated. It’s done eight times – both lower, middle, and upper meatuses, and then the lower meatuses again. Each time the balloon is inflated it puts pressure on different cranial bones, which feels and sounds like an adjustment. Creating space and allowing slight movement in the cranium can help many conditions.
The instructor of the class, Cindy Stein, MEd, PT, has found this therapy very beneficial for patients who have suffered concussions. Additionally, it can help sinus issues, TMJ dysfunction, insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, and many more symptoms.
During the class, we learned about the history of the technique, indications and contraindications, how to evaluate the patient before and after, and then we started by practicing on ourselves! Inserting a balloon into the nasal meatuses is NOT a pleasant experience, especially doing it to yourself, but it was very valuable to learn the right insertion and location of each of the meatuses. Then we practiced on one another, and lastly, five people who have had multiple concussions came to have the treatment done as a demonstration.
Immediately after getting the treatment done, I had a lot of drainage, which lasted about 12 hours, and now I notice that my TMJ is a little better, but more sessions will be needed to continue improving it.
Now that I’m trained in the technique, I look forward to practicing and developing my skillset so that I have another tool in my toolbox to help patients heal!