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Massage Therapy’s Expanding Role in Health Care

by Apr 8, 2011

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If you thought massage therapy is just for self-pampering at resorts and spas, think again! Massage therapists are now part of many integrative health care clinics, nursing and rehabilitation centers, hospitals and other health care venues.

massage therapist patient backWhy? Massage therapy has profound health benefits that continue to be documented by solid clinical research. Massage can lower blood pressure, increase circulation, reduce stress, provide pain relief, and much more. That’s why many physicians are now referring patients to massage therapists as part of their overall plan for care.

This spells good news for those working in the field of massage therapy. In addition, the U.S. Department of Labor predicts that jobs in the heath care sector will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. This is because the baby boomer generation is aging and will continue to need and demand more care. As massage therapists become a more valued part of the health care delivery system, their employment prospects are certain to expand as well.

However, to take advantage of massage therapy jobs in medical or therapeutic settings, a massage therapist must be able to function as a professional in a medical environment. That’s why National University of Health Sciences offers a Massage Therapy Certification Program anchored in basic sciences and training in the skills a therapist needs to be part of a medical team.

At National University, massage students don’t just study anatomy from books; they work in a real cadaver lab and examine human musculature and body systems first hand. In other programs, students might “get by” massaging friends and family to earn the internship credits needed for certification. But at NUHS, students spend six months in a real integrative medical clinic, where they work on clients with a variety of health conditions, create charts for each client and work in conjunction with clinical physicians. When massage students graduate from NUHS, they understand medical terminology and clinical protocol in a way that allows them to be valued professionals on an integrative health care team.

The great part about the Massage Therapy Certification Program at National University is that it only requires a high school diploma or GED to start and can be completed in one year of convenient evening classes. This makes massage therapy a very accessible career option for those seeking an entry into the health care field.

For more information on massage therapy certification and careers, call NUHS at

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