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Grand Rounds: Headaches and Homeopathy

by Feb 12, 2018

Home » Naturopathic Medicine Student Blog » Grand Rounds: Headaches and Homeopathy

In Grand Rounds this week, two of my classmates gave informative presentations and case studies on headaches/migraines and homeopathy.

Katie Niebur discussed headaches and how naturopathic medicine can address them. The patient had both migraines and cervicogenic headaches, which were greatly improved with spinal manipulative therapy, hydrotherapy and a few supplements. Getting to the root cause is a priority in naturopathic medicine, and Katie determined that two root causes for this patient were stress and lack of sleep. Teaching the patient how to manage stress and make sleep a priority, and using hydrotherapy to help regulate the autonomic nervous system played a profound role in reducing her patient’s migraine frequency and intensity.

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Jill Jennings presented several cases where she used homeopathy. She talked about a patient who had congestive heart failure and was on many pharmaceuticals. When she dug deeper to get to the root cause, there was a huge mental-emotional factor that needed to be addressed. The patient had PTSD from being a Vietnam War veteran. When the right homeopathic medicine was prescribed, not only did the PTSD subside, but the patient’s blood pressure normalized and he was able to wean himself off of two pharmaceuticals. Jill told two birth stories, one being mine and the other being our classmate’s wife. Another amazing case was the use of high-potency arnica after rhinoplasty surgery, which resulted in absolutely no bruising or swelling, and which shocked the surgeon at the one-week post-operative visit. He had never seen a patient recover so quickly! Homeopathy isn’t always easy, it takes the right remedy for the patient’s unique presentation to have drastic effects. Jill touched on this when sharing her son’s eczema case, in which it took a few years, three doctors, and several remedies to finally heal and reverse the condition.

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About the Author

Mary Simon

Mary Simon

I'm a naturopathic medical student at NUHS. I started the Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Program in January 2014. I was born and raised in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, a beautiful town on Lake Michigan. My experiences interpreting (Spanish to English) in nearly all medical specialties solidified my decision to study naturopathic medicine, as I saw a deep need for treating the body as a whole, getting to the root causes of symptoms, and using minimally invasive low-cost therapies to restore health.


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