We are almost finished with the trimester! Have you registered for your courses? Are you graduating? l will be in my fifth trimester in the spring. I am gearing up for finals. Every trimester I am learning how to better prepare and not wear myself out. What are some things you do to prepare for exams? I have learned to get SLEEP! No burning the midnight oil for me. I also try to not skip my acupuncture treatments which is usually the first thing I cancel when I am feeling overwhelmed.
How are you incorporating wellness into your journey at NUHS? I am attempting to meditate which is very difficult for me. My mind is racing especially this time of the year. I know I need to calm and reset my mind daily, so I am determined to keep trying. Yoga is usually my go to for grounding and movement. It takes me about an hour and 30 minutes some days to get to campus, then with studying my body is achy. I am trying to incorporate foods to help me heal and give me energy. I have a teenage son who is on a health kick, so it works perfectly.
We are almost at the finish line my friends! Let’s stay healthy, motivated, and well-rested. If you can please share your tips for ending strong, mind, body, soul and academically!