Show your pride in National University and win a prize! Put on your NU logo wear, or your maroon and gold, and share a photo or selfie with the hashtag #NUonU on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Be creative and have fun! Here are some photo ideas:
- Traveling somewhere fantastic over winter break? Take a photo with your NU winter scarf at the ski chalet, or an NU hat at the beach.
- Is your student club running a fundraiser? Snap a group photo in your club T-shirts.
- Studying for board exams? Take a photo with you huddled over your books clutching your NU coffee mug and share.
- You say you don’t have any logo wear? Put on some maroon and gold and get creative. The only rule is to have fun and show your pride!
From now until January 25th, we’ll be looking for great photos featuring the hashtag #NUonU. We’ll choose the three best and on January 28th we’ll award prizes to the winners.
We know NU looks good on you, now show us!