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Two NUHS Faculty Launch Chiropractic Technique “V-Book”

by Nov 6, 2013

Home » News » Two NUHS Faculty Launch Chiropractic Technique “V-Book”

doctor elder and doctor curtinTerry Elder, DC, and Kevin Curtin, DC, faculty members in the clinical science department at NUHS released an innovative electronic textbook on October 22, titled: “Advanced Manipulation: Theory & Technique.” The landmark V-Book ™series contains five volumes and over three and half hours of video instruction and sequential learning in chiropractic technique.

“We now have a chance to offer a textbook in video format on a new platform, where those who purchase the series can download the video instruction to their laptop, desktop or phone, as well as receive access to a complete web platform of online resources that support the text,” says Dr. Elder.

Elder and Curtin feel that video offers a far better way to support the teaching of chiropractic technique as opposed to a conventional print textbook, as viewers can automatically see correct positioning and range of motion on their screen.

“In the learning environment of today, many are choosing video rather than traditional textbooks, because they can access the information more easily and take it with them digitally,” says Dr. Elder.

“This book is not only great for DC students in any chiropractic educational program,” says Dr. Curtin. “It’s also a boon to practicing chiropractic physicians who want to improve their skills.”

Elder and Curtin say that the new V-Book is just the first in a new series that they hope will feature clinical instruction from a wide variety of experts on a full range of integrative medical topics. This first book is available, and can be previewed with a complementary chapter, at their textbook website

“We’re thrilled that our faculty are exploring new technologies in delivering chiropractic education,” says Dr. Joseph Stiefel, president of NUHS. “We hope this forges new frontiers for other faculty members to share their expertise on innovative digital platforms.”

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