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The Tri Mixer Fall 2017

by Oct 6, 2017

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » The Tri Mixer Fall 2017

We have a triannual event at NUHS as sort of a welcoming party for the new students as well as a chance to mingle with our fellow doctors-in-training. I remember my first tri mixer like it was yesterday. It was at that tri mixer I met some of my best friends from NUHS.


This time around I was one of the only few interns there. I was the furthest in the program and I honestly couldn’t believe how fast the time had gone by. I wondered how people thought of me because I remember looking at the interns as being so far into the program. I considered them doctors even though they still had a few months to go. Was this how the incoming students saw me? It was surreal to think I am near the end.

When I was contemplating going into this program, I was hesitant because of the amount of time it would take. It was a huge investment both chronologically and financially. But looking back the time has passed faster than any other time I can recall. When deciding on whether or not to pursue the doctoral degree, I remember one of my professors from undergraduate telling me the time will pass and you can either be a doctor by the end or not.


We had the mixer at a rooftop bar in St. Pete Beach. The venue was very nice and students from almost every tri were there. I saw my friends and met some new ones. It was great meeting all the new students and I am looking forward to hearing how they do in the program.

Over the weekend, my friends and I went to Madeira Beach for some volleyball. It was a good way to spend the weekend, as I will be competing in volleyball in the upcoming Chiro Games. I will talk more about the Chiro Games in the upcoming blogs.

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected].

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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