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The End of Trimester 7

by Apr 14, 2017

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » The End of Trimester 7

After multiple standardized patients, case reports, mock physical exams, practical exams, and written tests, I am moving into the next phase of my professional schooling. I start clinic at the beginning of next trimester! I will no longer be seeing standardized patients; I will be seeing real patients and will put my clinical reasoning and physical capabilities to use.


I have finals next week in modalities, end range loading, physical therapy, advanced diagnosis, clinical nutrition, radiology of the chest and abdomen, and psychopathology. This past week was great and was exactly what I needed before the stress of finals ensue.

Dr. Ted Forcum, chiropractor for the PGA tour, U.S. figure skating champions, and U.S. track and field champions, came to our school to lecture on kinesiology taping and demonstrated his functional assessment and tape application. He used a combination of screening tools from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

After finding discrepancies in movement, he used kinesiology tape in specific areas to “change tissue tension.” The results were astounding! The application resulted in a significant increase in range of motion and decrease in pain during palpation. He practices in Oregon, but was in Florida for the American Chiropractic Association’s Rehab Council over the weekend. He explained how he uses the kinetic chain in how he approaches treatment. It was very useful information.


This week, I was also awarded a scholarship for “leadership at NUHS and in the chiropractic profession.” I was honored to receive this award and it is the scholarship I am most proud of. I was humbled to receive this award because it was based on my professor’s recommendations rather than my own testimony.

Being seen as a leader comes with great responsibility, but we as chiropractic physicians will all be seen as leaders to our patients. We will be sought out to help our patients with their pain, problems, and goals. We need to help lead them through their journey both with active intervention and by setting an example.

My advisor always says, “If you are going to preach a healthy lifestyle, you need to live a healthy lifestyle.” Being seen as a leader by my mentors has reiterated that advice. It was a great reminder that my actions will impact others. The effort I put in at school doesn’t just affect my grades; my knowledge will affect the health of others. With this in mind, I am ready to take the next step in my journey into becoming the physician I sought out to be. 

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

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Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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