Need to finish your bachelor’s degree? Then consider spending the day with us!
Thursday, February 11, 2016 from 3-7pm is our Student For a Day event at National University of Health Sciences.
You’ll participate in a real class, have an interactive learning experience with a cadaver in our anatomy lab, and spend time eating with and getting to know current students and faculty.
Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 9am-2pm is Campus Visit Day a campus-wide event which allows you to experience NUHS with your family and friends.
You’ll learn about more than just the BS program, as you spend time with student club leaders, housing coordinators, graduate program representatives, etc. You’ll enjoy complimentary breakfast and lunch for this extensive program.
For attending either event, you will receive a special $250 tuition credit which can be put towards your first trimester in the BS program. All attendees will also receive an application fee waiver if they apply during either event.
How to Register
You may register for either event on line or contact the Office of Admissions at
1-800-826-6285 or [email protected] with questions.