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So Many Things, So Little Time
I have been a busy little bee these past two weeks. It all began with part II boards the weekend before last. After taking all of the exams that I have up until this point, I have found that no amount of preparation helps me to feel better about taking the test itself. While I am sure everything went ok, I won’t know for a month, and that in itself is nerve-racking. With that done, parts III and IV are coming up fast, but I chose not to spend too much time studying this past week. I will be back at it again, though, in a day or two. Our clinicians have shifted some of our assignments to be more focused on material that we need to know for boards, so that has been helpful.
To my surprise and delight, while all of this was going on, an email from the state came saying that I am officially a licensed acupunturist now! So most of this past week’s free time has been spent setting up my LLC, getting my National Provider ID, and my employer identification numbers all applied for. Signing up for malpractice insurance is next on my agenda, and then I will begin some of the more fun stuff like social media promotion to try and get some people in the door to see me. The whole thing is exciting …and terrifying. My DC clinician reassured me that it would be fine; everybody had a first day in practice.
I am looking forward to sharing what that was like before the end of my time as a student blog writer. As I watch things fall into place, I am pleased with the way I chose to go about completing my schooling. It will be nice not to worry about what happens post-graduation as I continue to do what I have already started.