This August, veteran faculty member Dr. Vrajlal Vyas, celebrated his retirement from full-time teaching after serving over 34 years at National University. At a faculty and staff retirement party held in his honor, President James Winterstein presented Dr. Vyas with the honorary title, “Professor Emeritus,” for his long term of exemplary service to the University.
A perennial favorite of students who’ve enjoyed his basic science classes over the years, Dr. Vyas will be missed in the classroom. However, the good news is that he will still be a regular on campus. Dr. Vyas is now working part-time as a special academic advisor for students in trimesters one through four. He’ll be working primarily with students experiencing academic difficulty or who are at risk for academic difficulty.
“The first year can be quite a challenge for students who aren’t used to the demands of our programs,” says Dr. Vyas. “I’ll be helping struggling students plan their studies, and keep consistent contact with them so I know how they are doing, can monitor their grades, and give them the help they need to stay on track.”
In addition, Dr. Vyas will be substitute teaching on occasions when other basic science professors are off-campus due to travel or illness. His new role provides much needed support for the deans and teaching faculty, as well as a wealth of experience and wisdom for students.
“I enjoy it, and have already started with a couple students, with more on the way. Once students start taking midterms, especially in trimester one, we know who is at risk. If you catch them in the beginning and give them the help they need, they can get on their feet faster and their experience is much smoother, ” says Dr. Vyas.
Not only has Dr. Vyas served on National’s faculty for over 34 years, he previously worked for Los Angeles College of Chiropractic (LACC). He also served on the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners for 11 years, as a member and as chairman of the test committee on pathology. In earlier days, he was part of the historical political evolution of India as it sought and gained independence from the British Empire.
Read more about Dr. Vyas’ fascinating life and experience »