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NUHS Places Time Capsule to be Opened in 2063

by Jun 20, 2014

Home » News » NUHS Places Time Capsule to be Opened in 2063

As part of its 2014 Homecoming event, National University of Health Sciences cemented a time capsule into the outer wall of its main campus building, Janse Hall, on Thursday, June 19th. The capsule is full of present day university documents and items chosen for their potential historical interest when opened half a century from now in 2063.

Just one year ago, the university opened the time capsule that had been placed in the same wall back in 1963 at the dedication of the university’s Lombard campus. Full of personal letters and documents highlighting historical figures and events in the university’s past, the previous capsule was retrieved from the wall by the university’s immediate past president, Dr. James Winterstein.

Dr. Winterstein passed the torch of leadership to Dr. Joseph Stiefel during the 2013 Homecoming, therefore, Dr. Stiefel had the honor of cementing the new capsule into the wall for posterity. He was joined by radiology professor, Dr. Charles Tasharski, Dr. Tasharski was present at the original 1963 campus dedication and time capsule ceremony, when he was just starting the DC program as a student.

The new capsule’s contents include a USB drive with several videos, photos, blueprints and a current copy of the university’s bulletin loaded into its memory. Also, the capsule boasts an NUHS necktie replete with pins representing each of the university’s professional degree programs, several news releases documenting highlights of the past year, university publications and other items.

“We wanted to put the capsule in during Homecoming so that we could involve the entire university community,” says President Stiefel. “Ironically, it’s not so much about the items themselves, but rather how they reflect our mission as educators.”

National University of Health Sciences was founded in 1906 in Davenport, Iowa, moved to Chicago in 1908, and relocated to Lombard in 1963. This is why the newly placed time capsule will be opened in 2063, since that year will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the university’s Lombard location.

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