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NUHS honors over 80 students in December Commencement Ceremony

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

National University celebrated the hard work and accomplishments of over 80 graduating students in various professional, undergraduate and certificate programs during its December 16 commencement ceremony.

President-Emeritus James Winterstein, DC, as commencement speaker for 2016 graduationThe ceremony featured President-Emeritus James Winterstein, DC, as commencement speaker, who discussed the relevance of the university’s motto Esse Quam Videri, which means to be rather than to seem to be. Dr. John Fitz Alan Howard, who founded National University as a chiropractic school in Iowa in 1906, chose it as the defining aphorism for the institution.

“I think Howard got what he was looking for…in all the 110 years that followed,” Dr. Winterstein said. “When it comes to education there isn’t any place better.”

International student Alphecca Octava, who graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Biosciences, was among the valedictorians who gave speeches during the ceremony. In her speech, she said she was nervous when she first came to NUHS with no clear idea of what she wanted to do. Now she graduates “surrounded by friends, not strangers, and with stories of joy and laughter.”

NUHS 2016 graduates at commencementAfter graduation, Ms. Octava will go on to attend National University’s Doctor of Chiropractic program.

As graduates move on to future endeavors, Diane Bultas-Yochem, Massage Therapy graduate and valedictorian, told students to remember why they first started their education at NUHS.

“We came here so we could help people live pain free lives,” she said.

In the ceremony’s final remarks, President Joseph Stiefel, talked about the significance of what the students have achieved and how it may take some years to gain complete perspective of what they’ve accomplished.

“We are all excited to see what you do,” he said.


College of Professional Studies

Doctor of Chiropractic
Jasmine A. Brown

Brandon Buchla

Omair Husain Chishti

Jae hong Choi

Chris Emmert

Dwight Deming

Ansu Durgut

Kelley R. Embree

Douglas Ryan Evenhouse

Nicole P. Gebultowicz

Adam Sciarrino Groch

Kirsten M. Harrison

Tami Lynn Hedges

Brent J. Heitmeyer

Brittany K. Hennigan

Nicolas Herrild

Kaylee Hutchison

Carson Hutto

Berta Filipina Jabavu

  Petrina Jackson

Catherine Kerperien

Kirbi King

Serif Krkic

Michael David Kroft

Nadia Kukuruza-Hanley

Breanna Irene Kussy

Ashley Lynn Lederman

Stephanie Michelle Lee

Glenn Lemus

Daiva Lindisas

Jacob Lindner

Danielle Lee Linscheid

Will Garrett Llewellyn

Jessica L. Lodal

Jacob Lowe

Samantha Mohen

Christopher Mulhall

  Kristin Anne Nelson

Andy S. Park

Jose Luis Ramirez Ortega

Rani Iqbal Sabri

Katlyn Schmidt

Karen Lynn Sedore

Alexa Sheppard

Sarah Michelle Sponaugle

Joel Story

Matthew J. Strickland

Alex Hale Tauberg

Amanda Thacker

Mary Tonner

Joel Whalen

Lindsey M. Wienckowski

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
  Rachel Alioto

Rodney John Bohlmann

Kelsey L. Botterman

Kirsten Laurel Canoy

Miranda Rose LaBant

Candace Na’cole Mathers

Michael A Ptack

Samantha Shore

James Yun-yao Wang

Master of Science in Oriental Medicine
  Samantha Brodersen

Debra Xiangjun Hayes

Kyoungja Hong

Maile Ellen Horita

Master of Science in Acupuncture
  Carrie Tenelle Dennie

Juanita Lucricia Cox

Audrey Justine Cox

Robert Charles Gregory

College of Allied Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science
  Jeremiah Driscoll

Katie Rose Fortman

Sara Mohammad Hamdan

Nuratullah A. Ishola

Amy Robin Kinzie

Sabina Kozodaj

Masooma Zaidi

Alphecca May T. Octava

Ashley Julia Oury

Huma Roshnaye

Agatha J. Wrobel

Peter Zugaj

Massage Therapy Certification
  Diane Bultas-Yochem

Cari Ann Razniewsk

Charlotte L. Wing