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My Birthday & Bonefrog Obstacle Race: Team NUHS Adjusters

by Mar 9, 2018

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » My Birthday & Bonefrog Obstacle Race: Team NUHS Adjusters

This past week I celebrated my 26th birthday! I went to clinic where my fellow interns and my patients all wished me a happy birthday; it was a nice way to spend the day by giving my time to others, treating my patients. Afterwards, my friends and I went to Downtown St. Petersburg for some craft beer, ping pong, cards, and corn hole.

Over the weekend, I entered my first obstacle race along with my fellow students and professors. We entered the Bonefrog Obstacle race in Orlando, Fla. Bonefrog was created by the U.S. Navy Seals to challenge athletes and build comradery among participants.

There were hundreds of participants and five teams. Our team name was the NUHS Adjusters! We were the largest team in the competition and also the fastest, winning the team competition by 10 minutes.


I heard about the competition from one of my professors who assembled a team of students and instructors. We all took the two hour drive out to Orlando on Saturday morning after a long week of regular school functions. This obstacle race was a nice break from the routine and a fun way to spend time with my colleagues and professors.

The majority of our team stuck together throughout the race. I came to Bonefrog with the intent to win. I ran out of the gate and left my team behind. I was determined to win and gave it my all at every obstacle. I finished the 5K obstacle sprint in just over 41 minutes. I ended up finishing 5th overall and first in my age group. I didn’t do quite as well as I wanted to, but I was proud of my time for the lack of training I put into it. Next time I will know what to expect and hopefully I will be on the podium.


I waited at the finish line and cheered my team on. It was a lot of fun running the race with my professors and colleagues. Our NUHS community is small, but we are close with one another. We practice what we preach when it comes to health and fitness.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected].

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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