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Life Happens

by Nov 3, 2017

I never liked the expression, “Life Happens,” and always believed that we control our life if we plan accordingly. 

When I started the AOM program, it did cross my mind that it was a long program and I just hoped that nothing would happen to delay my graduation. I’ve seen students who had to take breaks for different reasons, and for the last two years I pushed myself all the time and I said no breaks. As long as I knew I’d be in school just 3 years and then be done with it I could take anything. 

For the last 2 weeks I’ve been struggling to find the perfect schedule for the next 2 trimesters. Everything changed a lot but the good news is that I’m still planning on no breaks and graduating on time, but the schedule will look completely different.

First, besides Biomedicine boards, I can’t take Foundations and Points exams before July because of some weekend class that apparently is required, and you have to get a final grade before the dean approves you for boards.


In case you plan on taking boards before graduation, make sure you ask for the list with everything you have to take before boards. I didn’t ask, and then I realized I am missing that weekend class and I will be forced to take two boards just before graduation. That doesn’t make me very happy. I’ll make it work, but I wish I knew this a long time ago.

Second, Senior Exam was supposed to happen this trimester, but again I don’t seem to have all the classes required for that.

Next trimester, I won’t be in clinic at all since I’m done with my associate internships; I’ll have to wait to do all my senior clinic shifts during last trimester, and this means 8 clinic shifts per week. This is not ideal, but this is the only way I can graduate on time, be out of school, and start working as soon as I want.

Next trimester will probably seem boring because I really love being in the clinic, but I’ll have more time to work, less classes, and also time to prepare to boards.

Good luck with midterms and make sure you plan better than me! 🙂

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Iuliana Lixandru

Iuliana Lixandru

Hello! I'm Iuliana and I'm a student at National University of Health Sciences in the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) program.


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