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by Mar 24, 2017

It took me more than 30 hours and six movies, but here I am safe and sound in Kyoto, Japan. I’ve never been to Asia and everything is very different from what I’ve seen in other countries. Before starting the Japanese acupuncture training I had 2 days to walk around and be a tourist.

I’ve seen a couple of temples, the Philosopher’s Path, some shrines, cherry bloosoms, their architecture, malls, residential areas and of course geishas. People are friendly and very polite, most of them don’t speak any English but you can still get around if you do your homework, have a map and just show them where you want to go. We walked an entire day around Kyoto, had some green tea cake and yudzu icecream, browsed the stores and bought made in Japan gifts.

I’ll come back next week with more details but until then enjoy the pictures.

Cherry Blossoms


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Iuliana Lixandru

Iuliana Lixandru

Hello! I'm Iuliana and I'm a student at National University of Health Sciences in the Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) program.


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