Perhaps you’ve heard that a college degree just isn’t worth it anymore. That’s not true according to the latest statistics. Check out a Huffington Post article by Joseph Pisani titled: “Yes, A College Degree Still Worth It…”
Based on a report released in June by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, two economists used federal data to show that a person with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn about $1.2 million more, from ages 22 to 64, than someone with just a high school diploma. They also earn significantly more than what a person with just an associate’s degree would earn over that same period.
The report said that between 1970 and 2013, those with a four-year bachelor’s degree earned an average of about $64,500 per year, while those with a two-year associate’s degree earned about $50,000 per year and those with only a high school diploma earned $41,000 per year.
So, if the nay-sayers are holding you back, don’t let them. Finishing your degree is one of the best investments you can make. And finishing a bachelor’s degree in biomedical science is even smarter!