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Fourth Week

by Jun 12, 2015

The 4th week was an interesting week indeed. Classes are getting awfully hard, we have quizzes every week and our first exams coming up. Open Lab on Monday, we worked on bringing joints to end range and the proper body drop to perform an adjustment.


Motion Palpation Club met on Wednesday and it was fantastic! We had the biggest turnout I’ve ever seen. We practiced different palpation techniques for the lumbar spine both seated and laying in side posture.

I am getting a new club together called the Chiropractic Games Club. We will be focused on fundraising for the Chiropractic Games in October. Chiropractic Games is an event where all the chiropractic schools are invited to compete in sporting events at Cocoa Beach, Florida. Hopefully getting a club together will help us fundraise so we can all go and represent National in Florida!


Friday was the tri-mixer! Students from all the trimesters are invited to attend and take a break from the stresses of professional school. This trimester the mixer was at The Getaway, an outdoor bar and restaurant on the Bay. There was a live band, good food, and good people! I was just getting over an upper respiratory infection so I only stayed for a short time, but it was a great time. It was a much-needed break and it was great to go out with all my fellow doctors-in-training.

My weekend proceeded with studying and lots of tea and soup! With exams around the corner I need to be prepared mentally and physically.

Thanks for reading! Email me any questions at [email protected]

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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