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Fourth of July Weekend

by Jul 10, 2015

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Fourth of July Weekend

Finally most of our midterms are over! We still have two more to take but they are not for another week. These weeks are going so fast I can’t believe we are already half way done with this trimester. We have a three-day weekend and even though I worked each day, I was going to spend the rest of the time enjoying the holiday weekend. To kick things off, my friends and I went to the local brewery. We raised our glasses in celebration of a job well done. We followed up our stop at the brewery with a visit to our favorite local Thai restaurant. It was spicy but delicious.


The following day was my first beach day all trimester! My girlfriend and I grabbed the necessities, subs, a Frisbee, and beach towels. We soaked up the sun and swam in the water. We went back to our apartment complex and swam in the pool until it was time for me to go to work. The following day we decided to avoid the sun because I may have soaked up too much sunshine. My melanocytes were over stimulated… in other words, I was sunburnt.


We decided to stay indoors so we took a trip to Tampa and watched the Tampa Bay Lightning prospects camp. It was free admission so it was well worth the trip. We were right up against the glass and watched the draft picks and prospects play in a three-on-three tournament. I was missing hockey so it was a great to see some live action.


We went back to the apartment and barbequed — grilled chicken, kettle cooked chips, and steamed vegetables. It was delicious and nutritious. That evening we hung out with my coworkers and watched some fireworks — the perfect ending to the fourth of July.

Neuroanatomy and radiology midterms are next week so I will be back on my intense study schedule this coming week. It was great to get a break because, in all honesty, this is harder than I anticipated. I did not think it would be easy, but it is rigorous and that is a good thing; we will be better physicians as a result of it.

That’s all for this week! Feel free to email me at [email protected]

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About the Author

Christopher Kotwicki

Christopher Kotwicki

My name is Christopher Kotwicki and I am a future Doctor of Chiropractic! I am also a self-proclaimed beach bum, animal lover, fitness junkie, and sports fanatic.


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