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Dr. Daniel Strauss appointed to Board of Directors of Vincent House

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Daniel Strauss, DC, Dean of the College of Professional Studies in Florida, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Vincent House, a Pinellas Park organization with a mission to assist, promote and celebrate individuals recovering from mental illness and other disabilities.

doctor daniel straussFirst founded in 2003, the organization has been rapidly gaining support and expanding into other counties. Over a year ago, Dr. Strauss offered to have National University’s chiropractic interns present nutrition and wellness information to members, which was very well received.  Since then, it has become a monthly occurrence.

“The members gain great benefit from our presentations and our students gain tremendous experience presenting and communicating to a diverse group of individuals,” said Dr. Strauss.

Dr. Strauss was nominated by a past mayor of Pinellas Park and a fellow Chamber of Commerce Board member, then elected to the board by its members. Some of his responsibilities will include ensuring the organization has the proper tools to uphold its mission, strategic planning for creating the new Vincent House Academies in Sarasota and Hillsborough counties, developing and overseeing bylaws for the new academies, and oversight for the palette initiative board that will be appointed to the academies.

“I am looking forward to continuing to build a relationship beneficial to both National University students and Vincent House members,” Dr. Strauss said.

In addition to the wellness program offered by interns, NUHS clubs have also collected donations of personal care items for their members as well as provided healthy cooking demonstrations. “The demonstrations are fitting since Vincent House promotes ‘recovery through work’ and one of their biggest career training options is in the restaurant industry,” Dr. Strauss said.

NUHS interns also receive the unique experience of working with community members recovering from mental illness. “This has not only offered our students a unique well-rounded education but has opened many doors for our graduates in terms of networking with the business community,” Dr. Strauss said.

National University has a strong tradition of giving back to local communities. As part of the Pinellas Park Medical District, National University continues to look for innovative ways to bring chiropractic medicine into the community with not only Vincent House, but other local organizations in the Pinellas Park community, as well.