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Campus Activities Can Boost Your Career Too!
Everyone knows a college student can’t survive on classes and studying alone. They definitely need a break for fun and a social life!
Here at National, there are over 25 student organizations on campus that provide opportunities for athletics (soccer, basketball, golf, and softball clubs), health and fitness training (yoga or dance and fitness clubs), and the camaraderie of fraternities, sororities, community service organizations, and more. Campus groups are a great way to take a break from studying, meet classmates, have fun, get involved, and give back to the community.
Many student groups are specifically geared toward professional advancement. National students can become politically involved in enhancing the profession through the Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) and Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA) professional organizations and more.
Other groups are specifically geared toward honing professional skills. For example, at National students can join the Applied Kinesiology Club, the Activator Club, or Motion Palpation Club. Under the direct supervision of faculty or approved advisors, they receive even more practice and in-depth training in the latest chiropractic techniques.
There is also a Sports Rehab Club, the Student Association for Internal Disorders, or the Chiropractic Case Club, in which students get together to discuss in-depth medical topics with faculty and visiting lecturers. A new campus group, “Vis,” explores emerging applications in natural medicines and therapies, bringing together chiropractic, naturopathic, and acupuncture and oriental medicine students.
Yet even groups that aren’t specifically oriented toward professional skill building can also provide valuable career preparation in addition to fun. Whether it be sponsoring a movie night, running a bake sale, arranging a campus Halloween bash, or hosting a community blood drive, the organizations keep students connected to each other, the campus community and the local neighborhood.
National’s Dean of Students Daniel Driscoll, DC, notes: “Student involvement in campus and community events is usually described as co-curricular activity within higher education. In fact, campus involvement, socialization, personal growth, and character development are commonly referred to as the hidden curriculum that every university seeks to develop and include within the framework of all their programs.”
Frank Sutter, a 7th trimester DC student at National, is a believer in keeping involved in on-campus activities. Frank is editor of the Synapse, the student newspaper, vice president of the Student American Chiropractic Association, and treasurer of the Gay-Straight Alliance. “Involvement in student organizations is important because it keeps you informed and therefore able to make better long term choices about your education and your career. Also, it’s valuable experience in learning to keep a balance between your educational/professional life and your personal life – a balance you’ll need to achieve throughout your career.”