We have started the next trimester and it already feels like our break was long ago; however, now as a Tri-3 student, I feel much more confident in handling courses and preparing myself for this new trimester.
Our first week back and we’ve already started learning new lumbar orthopedic assessments, lumbar adjustments, and dissecting the thoracic cavities of cadavers. We are back to mostly in-class sessions, which is an adjustment for our class since we initially came into the program fully online (except labs and manipulation courses). While the comfort of our homes has yielded less time driving, having in-person classes has been bringing our classmates together. We’re finally getting to know our professors better.
Speaking for myself, I find there is also less procrastination available in between classes now that we are in person. The first week or two of the trimester may seem like “easy” weeks, but it’s so crucial to organize yourself, stay on top of lectures, review material, and set up a good daily schedule for yourself. I like to scribble all important exam dates, holidays, and volunteer opportunities into my agenda. It becomes less stressful in the future when you already know what is coming up. Although tedious, it is necessary to read through each of the syllabi provided so that you understands each professor’s expectations and course structure. It’s the time to settle in, get back into the study groove, and head over to Open lab to practice manipulation and palpation skills!
Good luck to everyone this trimester! For incoming Tri-1 students: Welcome!