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Thanksgiving & Finals

by Dec 6, 2024

Home » Chiropractic Student Blog - Florida » Thanksgiving & Finals

Happy Holidays everyone! With the onset of this beautiful, cold weather we are approaching the end of this trimester and finals. It feels like this trimester, as unique as it has been scheduling wise (thank you hurricanes), has absolutely flown by. I hope everyone managed to get some family time as well as some rest and relaxation over the Thanksgiving break. I was lucky enough to have almost all of my family come to town to visit and it reminded me of just how lucky I am to have such a loving and supportive group around me. I think Thanksgiving is an important time for us all to reflect on what we are thankful for and appreciating all of the day to day blessings that get lost through our busy and stressful lives. As we return to school it is time to hunker back down and start the grind for finals. While studying for final exams is almost always extremely stressful, just remember that each and every one of us has dedicated our lives to this path, and each trimester that passes is another step toward our end goal. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for all of my readers, and the opportunity that I have been given as your Florida DC blogger. I can’t wait to continue writing and sharing my story with you all. Good luck next week and I will see you all again in January!

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About the Author

Dylan Kahn

Dylan Kahn

My name is Dylan Kahn, and I am currently heading into my fifth trimester of the Doctor of Chiropractic program at the Florida campus of NUHS. I have a B.S. in Exercise Physiology, with a minor in chemistry from Florida State University. When I am not in school, I love to adventure with my fiancé, Sarah, powerlift, and play the piano. I hope that this blog will be helpful to all those that read it in understanding my journey as a chiropractic student, and what life is like for all of us on this path.


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