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Deana at the se3rvice window helping a student

Services for Community Visitors

Visitors must sign in at the Circulation Desk where you will be given a visitors ID to wear. This ID must be visible while you are in the library, and returned to the Circulation Desk upon leaving.

Visitors may use the center row of tables to the east of the Circulation Desk as well as the informal seating areas to the west. Visitors may not use the library computers or the Small Group Study Rooms.



Visitors may request books via interlibrary loan through their local library. The NUHS library will provide any books that are not in demand by NUHS students or employees. Visitors living in the Chicago area may be allowed to register for limited check-out privileges. Ask at the Circulation Desk or call at 630-889-6612 for more information.


Use of the library computers is restricted to NUHS employees and students.


Visitors may use photocopiers in the library. The cost is 6 cents per page. Visitors may also request copies of articles available in the library collection, to be received within 1-4 weeks by email, fax or mail. For fastest service, supply complete and accurate information including the authors’ names, article title, journal title, journal volume and issue number, date, pages and the source of the information. For a MEDLINE/PUBMED search, the UI/PMID number is also useful. Illegible or incomplete requests will be delayed or returned unfilled. Please limit requests to no more than 5 articles in a week. Requests should be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 630-495-6658. Please refer to the Fee Schedule (see above) for costs associated with this service

Research Assistance

Librarians will search specialized books, journals and computerized databases to locate information you need. Please provide a specific description of the topic including years, and languages to be searched, and any limitations including chiropractic or medical, human or animal, English only, etc. Requests should be mailed to [email protected]. Please refer to the Fee Schedule (see above) for costs associated with this service.

Fee Schedule

Fees are subject to change without notice. Contact the James F. Winterstein Library at 630-889-6617 for current rates.

Basic Reference Query
Reference questions requiring 15 minutes or less.
In-Depth Reference Query
Questions requiring more than 15 minutes; includes most searches of electronic databases or printed indices.
Copies of articles from our collection.
$10.00 per article
Rush Service
Delivery within 24 hours.
Outside Patron Library Card (Illinois Residents Only)
Allows alumni and general public to check out materials.

Circulation Privileges

Check-out privileges are available to residents of Illinois only. All non-student patrons must register for an Outside Patron member card (registration is free). Contact an James F. Winterstein Library Circulation staff member to request a card. Anyone can request an item by interlibrary loan through their local library without the need for an Outside Patron card.

Type of MaterialLoan PeriodRenewalFines
Books, CD's, Audiocassettes, DVD's3 weeksYes$0.50 per day
Reserve Collection2 hours / Library Use OnlyYes$2.00 per hour or partial hour
Journals and Reference CollectionLibrary Use OnlyN/AN/A
Special CollectionLibrary Use OnlyN/AN/A

Reference Collection
The Reference Collection includes reference books, yearbooks, and maps.

Reserve Collection
The Reserve Collection includes reserve books, folders, reserve audiovisual programs (including CD-ROMs and DVDs), anatomical models, and bone boxes. Information on chiropractic, naturopathic, and massage therapy board exams are on reserve.

Special Collection
The Special Collections material is housed off-site. Please allow a week from the time of your request to the arrival of material to the library. You will be notified when it is available. You can call the circulation desk at 630-889-6612 or email [email protected] with your request.