Candace Passi, PhD, was recently appointed Dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences and Distance Education (CAHS&DE) at National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) – Lombard. She previously served as the Assistant Dean of CAHS&DE before lending her expertise to Student Services during the pandemic. She will begin immediately administering the academic duties of CAHS&DE.
“I am very excited to return to the College of Allied Health Sciences & Distance Education working with students and faculty of the College as Dean,” Dr. Passi said. “Dr. Cambron is a wonderful mentor, and I am honored to follow in her footsteps.”
Dr. Passi said she is looking forward to the challenges her new opportunity brings, and welcoming National University’s newest group of students this fall.
She steps into her new position following the two-year upheaval of Covid-19 challenges.
“Both faculty and students rose to the challenge regardless of preference and did an overwhelmingly excellent job of acclimating to our situation, resulting in an almost seamless transition. The pandemic showed how versatile and dedicated our faculty and students really are,” she said.
Dr. Passi has more than 16 years of experience in higher education. Prior to joining NUHS she was Dean of Students at St. Xavier University-Chicago, where she was the chief judicial officer. She also served as an advocate for students on academic, tuition, financial aid and personal issues. Dr. Passi is passionate about interacting with students and helping them become successful in their program(s) and as future health care professionals.