Kazuyoshi Takeyachi, DC

Kasuyoshi Takeyachi, DC
One of the historic leaders of the Japanese Chiropractic Association, Dr. Kasuyoshi Takeyachi of Tokyo, Japan, graduated from National in 1968. His many honors included awards from World Federation of Chiropractic, serving as a Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic, and holding chiropractic administrative and teaching responsibilities at a RMIT University in Japan.
A National education is a Takeyachi tradition. Kasuyoshi’s two brothers graduated from National in 1976.The three brothers ran Tokyo Chiropractic Center, in the heart of Tokyo for over 30 years.
Kauyoshi once said, “National has been our ‘mother’ in chiropractic, both while we were students and after 30 years of practice. We in the Takeyachi family are proud of our accomplishments in Japan, but none would have been possible without the support of our alma mater, National.” All the Takeyachi doctors have been honored leaders in Japanese chiropractic practice, teaching and research.
“My greatest happiness is to see a new generation of young chiropractors who are determined to help people through this great profession,” said Dr. Takeyachi.
Note: Although Dr. Takeyachi passed away in February of 2012, his legacy continues. His son also graduated from National in 2006 and opened Takeyachi Chiropractic Center at Tokyo Station, carrying on his proud family heritage in chiropractic medicine.