Serlin, Andrew B.

Andrew B. Serlin, DC
DC Instructor and Clinician – NUHS Whole Health Center, Lombard
After practicing chiropractic medicine for 13 years, Dr. Serlin started working at the NUHS Whole Health Center as a floating clinician in 2018, and as a full-time attending clinician since 2019. He also serves as a faculty advisor for the NUHS Tai Chi & Qi Gong student club.
Before becoming a chiropractic physician, he worked as an attorney in the Cook County Public Defender’s Office from 1990 to 1997 and operated a law office in the Pilsen neighborhood from 1997 to 2000. He also became a Chair-Qualified Arbitrator for the Cook County Mandatory Arbitration program in 1997 and continues to arbitrate in that program today.
He earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from National University of Health Sciences, his Juris Doctor from University of Illinois Law School in Champaign and his Bachelor’s degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also licensed in acupuncture and graduated valedictorian of the NUHS Massage Therapy program in 2021.
Outside of NUHS, Dr. Serlin volunteers with the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) since 2000 in the roles of Coach, Intermediate Referee, Coach Instructor, Safety Director, Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate and member of the Deerfield AYSO Region #1007 Board of Directors. He has also practiced Martial Arts since 1983 (Shorin-Ryu Karate, Kung Fu and Tai Chi). He currently teaches Tai Chi at the Presbyterian Homes in Lake Forest in a skilled nursing setting and a memory care unit and at the Levy Senior Center in Evanston.
These roles have allowed Dr. Serlin the opportunity to teach in some capacity the ages of 3-100.
“I enjoy the opportunity to teach and share information with many different groups of people. I enjoy learning about life from the perspective that they share with me,” he said. “I find much gratification in sharing my knowledge and life experiences in return. It has been my observation that the more I teach my students, the more I learn and grow myself.”