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Cider Day In The Library

James F Winterstein Library

Enjoy a Halloween treat from your librarians.

Stress Free Week in the Library

James F Winterstein Library

Join us for a week of puzzles, coloring pages, coffee or tea, and lunch time ice cream social on Wednesday until supplies last.

Stress Free Week in the Library

James F Winterstein Library

Enjoy a week of free coffee/tea sponsored by Lambda Chi Sorority, coloring pages, and puzzles, to help relax while you study.

Shamrock Hunt

James F Winterstein Library

Find the hidden shamrocks in the library. Leprechauns have hidden 2 golden clovers worth a prize. Good luck!

Free Books!

James F Winterstein Library

Come to the Library Pick up free books - build your own library Good condition - consumer level books Engage your creative side & use the free books for craft projects like book sculpting. Get instructions for "Book Trees"

Fall-ing For Trivia

James F Winterstein Library

Try out some fall fun facts. Pick up questions in the library & write your answers. Turn in at circulation desk for a treat. Winners posted in our pumpkin patch. Please be sure to put your name on sheet.

Popcorn Day

James F Winterstein Library

Come enjoy popcorn at this annual event!

Stress Free Week In The Library

James F Winterstein Library

To help you de-stress during finals: Ice Tea Coloring pages Puzzles Wed, Aug 9 Yoga instruction, room 115 noon