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Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice (MSACP) Information Session

Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice (MSACP) Information Session

Curious about National University’s online program in advanced clinical practice? We’re offering a sneak peek! 

Tune in for a 45-minute virtual visit that will give you a live preview of how this advanced program will help you improve your diagnostic and clinical decision-making skills.

 And because back-to-school funds might be tight, you’ll receive a $1,000 tuition credit towards your first trimester in the MSACP program and a $55 application fee waiver. 

*Prospective or admitted students who attend a virtual or on-campus event, including individual visits, are eligible to receive a $1,000 tuition credit towards their first trimester in graduate programs and a $500 tuition credit for the undergraduate BS program. This tuition credit only applies once regardless of which event, or the number of visits or events attended. The MSMS program is exempt from this tuition credit. Approval from the Admissions team is required to obtain the credit.