In response to COVID-19 restrictions, National University’s naturopathic medicine program has found multiple ways to ensure student safety and continued learning. Once held in the Whole Health Center clinic, Grand Rounds presentations are now being conducted in a virtual format via Zoom meetings. For many students, this new format is not only safer, but more convenient.
Articles by: Victoria Sweeney
3 Insider Tips for Applying to an NUHS Graduate Program
You’ve done your research to find the most rigorous graduate program available for a doctor of chiropractic medicine,...
How Lab Testing Can Improve Chiropractic Practice
How laboratory testing can improve patient outcomes in chiropractic practice was the focus of a free lunchtime presentation hosted on June 27 by the NUHS Lincoln College of Postprofessional, Graduate and Continuing Education.
Are Medical Norms Harming Health Care for People of Color?
On June 24, the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) Black Naturopathic Medical Student Association (BNMSA) hosted the second in a series of student-led discussions addressing whether medical norms and statistics are harming the health care of people of color.
Students Join in LGBTQ Pride Month Events
Members of the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) Pride Medical Alliance (PMA), a group of LGBTQ community and allies, participated in two Pride Month parades and Be an Ally Week activities in June.
Students Receive Homeopathy Training Tuition
Three National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) students received full paid tuition from The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy to attend an “Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing” course in Montreal, Canada, June 1-7, taught by one of the world’s foremost homeopathy experts, André Saine, DC, ND.
4 Benefits of Earning a Biomedical Science Degree from National University
Considering a career in health care? Thinking about a specialized degree like biomedical science? Wait—What is...
What You Can Learn From Visiting NUHS
One of the most important steps to take when evaluating graduate programs is the campus visit. Touring the campus is...
The Long Term Health Benefits of Using Hydrotherapy
Since the NUHS Whole Health Center opened a new hydrotherapy suite in 2017, interns and clinicians have been utilizing...
NUHS Resources
Discover informative resources made by NUHS’ staff, faculty, and students to learn more about complementary and alternative medicine, NUHS programs, and more!