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Kristine Aikenhead, DC

Dr. Kristine Aikenhead teaches evaluation and management courses for DC and ND students at National University. In addition to teaching on our faculty, Dr. Aikenhead is one of our alumni, earning her DC degree from National in 1983.

“Where can you get training that’s science-based, that’s going to take the whole person into consideration, that will give you a well rounded approach that provides primary care preparation? At National, you’re prepared in a primary care way.”

“It’s really a great thing that we have the opportunity…to work with naturopathic physicians, massage therapists, and allopaths, right here on campus.”

About Dr. Kristine Aikenhead

Professor Emeritus, Clinical Sciences  – Illinois

doctor kristine aikenheadDr. Kristine Aikenhead began teaching shortly after graduating cum laude from National College of Chiropractic (now NUHS) during her residency in family practice from 1983-1985. It was the teaching requirement of the residency that opened her eyes to her love of teaching professional level students. After she earned her residency certificate, she became a full-time faculty member with a special interest in dermatology and internal conditions.

Dr. Aikenhead contributed the dermatology chapter of the textbook, Fundamentals of Chiropractic Diagnosis and Management, published in 1990. Most recently, her case study, “Herpes zoster in a 6-month-old infant with 13 year follow up,” was published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine in 2011.

In September 2012, Dr. Aikenhead was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. She enjoys co-instructing in the chiropractic and naturopathic course, Advanced Diagnosis and Clinical Problem Solving, which involves 10 weeks of simulated patient encounters.

When she is not working or studying, she enjoys bicycling and spending time with her husband, Dr. John Aikenhead DC, DACBR, and their three children.

Faculty Info

Professor Emeritus, Clinical Sciences

BS (Biology), Loyola University, 1979
BS, DC, National College of Chiropractic, 1982, 1983
Family Practice Residency (Board Qualified), National College of Chiropractic 1983-85

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